
Institut Missiologique de l’Afrique Francophone  (IMAF), or the French African Missiological Institute’s vision is
to glorify God
by training mission mobilisers, trainers and leaders
for French-speaking Africa

We seek to develop courses that develop character, skills and knowledge in future mission leaders for Africa, using classical teaching techniques but also discussion, media, role play, investigation, and internships.

IMAF’s programmes do not replace bible or theological schools, but can be compared to a graduate specialisation in mission. A certain level of theological and biblical studies is a pre-requisite before applying.

We offer courses at several levels: Diploma of Missiology (2 years combination residence and distance), Bachelor of Missiology (4+ years combination residence and distance, including a research thesis), and Masters (4 years distance learning with 2 residential courses of 1 week each per year during the first 3 years, and a thesis written in the 4th year). For each course the distance component requires access to a computer running Open Office or MS Office, and regular contact by email.

Instruction is in French. Diploma students need a minimum BEPC and Bachelors need a Bac (or equivalent).  Both need 2 years of biblical/theological education and 3 years of ministry experience. Details of fees and enrolment requirements can be found in our brochure: Brochure IMS 2017, and enrolment form: Formulaire_d’inscription_IMS_2017.

Donations to IMS (SIM Burkina Faso project #93900) can be made through the following websites:
USA: SIMUSA giving page. If entering via the general ‘Give’ page, choose « Support a Project », then specify « 93900 » as the Project ID and Burkina Faso as the Project Country.  Choose « Mission Institute- Institut Missiologique du Sahel » from the pop-up search results.
Canada: [to be advised] Contact SIM Canada
UK: SIM UK website. Specify « IMAF  BF93900 » as project. If paying by card (see left menu), chose « To help my chosen project » in the second line.
Australia: via SIM Australia’s website
South Africa: via SIM South Africa’s website, choosing « a specific project » and giving IMS’ details (above) in the text box